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mind map

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This is my Mind-map, where i first brain stormed my ideas. As you can see they are devided into sections, which consists of "Animation, Music Video, VFX and How-tos.

In the "music video"section, I have all the music videos that i'm inspired by and would like to do something similar to them. (One of them in the mind map is my music video that i worked on in a recent project.)

All of these music video have a story to them and they all start off with a little intro sequence as well as an intermission.

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Animation section consists of breakdowns of a lot of popular movies for example : Spider-man into the spider verse.

As well as animation being used in music videos or in combination with real and animation together.

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The VFX section consists of Breakdowns of VFX and CGI used in popular Marvel movies like "Black Panther" and "Ant Man". These are VFX heavy movies making the best example to get educated on.

I have also added a "My year 2018" section which consists of travel videos from my favourite content creators on YouTube. These content creators are in the fine line between professional film making and YouTube content. I look up these content creators and make my own content similar to theirs. Therefore, for this project I am going to make a travel video as well but better than what i have ever done before, ranging from transitions to colour grading.

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